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What is Give for Good Louisville?

It's a day of celebration and city-wide day of giving hosted by Community Foundation of Louisville.

In past 12 years, this event has helped individuals and businesses invest over 60 million to local nonprofits.

How does it help I Would Rather Be Reading?

IWRBR uses funds raised on this generous day to support the following:

-Each site gets weekly enrichment experiences in a variety of different disciplines - arts, STEM, entrepreneurship, civics, mental & physical health, cooking, DJing, baking, and more!

-Each site goes on at least 2 field trips a year. We've been all over the city and out of the state! These are special experiences that our kids form core memories around. 

-At our community center sites, we provide transportation so that getting to our program isn't a barrier for participating. 

-We make sure that every day kids are at our programs, they have access to fresh, nutritious snacks to take home and we feed them a hot dinner every night!

How can I participate in Give For Good Louisville 2024?

Become a Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser

Peer-to-Peer fundraising helps our organization by increasing our reach and finding new donors, and it also allows us to build important connections with our wonderful existing supporters.  Contact us today to get signed up.

Attend our Disco Themed Party

Come to our Disco Delight themed party! Hosted at our headquarters located at 828 S 6th Street! Bring a friend to learn more about our mission, tour where the magic happens, get live updates on our fundraising progress, and play some groovy, disco-themed games. Food and drinks provided! 


Help Us Win the Social Media Star Prize

Invite us to do a social media live at your business or organization! We love to provide free, fun advertising to the people and businesses who support IWRBR. Contact Ally Ogle to see what time of the day we can visit! 

P.S. We're pretty creative with our lives, so if you need help with the content, we can help design it!


What is the Educate & Elevate program?

To give our new donors some background, when IWRBR first opened in 2018 we hosted a six week summer camp for nine students. Over the years we have gradually gained support from the community, and increased the services we offer to families. In only six years, we now have published the Mindful Literacy Curriculum, trained more than 100 reading tutors, hosted numerous community events, and have provided summer and after school programs to children all across the city. 

Educate & Elevate after-school programs provide students across Louisville with equitable access to FREE, high-quality out of school time programming. Each day at our program sites, we ensure that our kids are equipped with nutritious snacks and dinner, engage students who are struggling with literacy in small group, phonics-based literacy tutoring, and help our students explore what sparks their passion by providing weekly enrichment experiences. In the 2024-2025 year, Educate & Elevate programs will take place YEAR ROUND at these sites:

-Portland Community Center

-South Louisville Community Center

-Atkinson Elementary

-Jacob Elementary

-McFerran Elementary

-Hazelwood Elementary

-Gutermuth Elementary

-Johnsontown Road Elementary

YOU can help make a difference in the life of a child on Give for Good Louisville Day - September 12th, 2024 by making a gift to IWRBR!



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