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I Would Rather Be Reading

Literacy Mentor Monday: Danielle

Every Monday, we highlight one of our Literacy Mentors from an I Would Rather Be Reading learning hub to learn more about the work they do and their experiences working with our students. Today, we'll share our conversation with Danielle who is a volunteer at our Jacobs learning hub.

Tell us who you are and what your role is here!

"My name is Danielle and I am a volunteer here at the Jacobs learning hub. Weekly, I come in to help the students learn. I help them with their math, help them get onto their class meetings and help them finish their homework."

What is one memory you have working with a student at this learning hub?

"One of the more memorable moments was yesterday actually, when I was working with a student. She was so proud that she was understanding her assignments and at one point she said 'I've never done this well before'! It was a proud moment for me to see how much I was impacting her learning and to see how much confidence she was building as a result."

What do you most look forward to at work?

"The thing I look forward to most about volunteering at the learning hub is getting to spend time with the students and getting to provide whatever help they need. It is a highlight of my week coming in and seeing them. Seeing how excited they are to learn and being able to help them accordingly is really special to me."

Why is the learning hub important to our students?

"I think learning hubs are important because they help students to pay attention, especially now when so much of their work is online. I think there can be a lot of distractions and 'Zoom fatigue', so coming here where they get to learn in person, interact with other students, and get one-on-one attention with their homework is really helpful to them."

Thank you, Danielle!

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